Back when I was putting miles on the Evo to break in the new engine, part of my travels brought me back to Santa Barbara. I don’t usually get out there much, but it always feels relaxing spending time there since it’s much more chill than Los Angeles. This was also during some big fires east of the area so in one photo the plume of smoke can be seen rising over downtown. After getting there I took a break to just walk around downtown and shoot some of the area on Velvia. I always love Velvia for scenery, it’s going to be a sad day when Fuji also decides to stop producing it.

Santa Barbara
- May 24, 2019
Tags: Analog Photography, California, Film is not dead, Film Photography, Fujifilm Velvia 50, Medium Format, Medium Format Photography, Rolleiflex 6008, Santa Barbara, Schneider 80mm f/2 PQ